Whether your family routinely does a ten hour trip to grandma's every Thanksgiving, or you just find yourself in the car shuttling kids around A LOT now that school's back in session - a well organized and entertaining car environment can be a parent's best friend! Today Alli is teaming up with MPMK's newest sponsor, Munchkin, to share her favorite tips and products for keeping the mood happy in the car so you can be one zen Mama, wherever the road may take you. They're all great, but my … [Read more...]
Halloween Craft: Dry Erase Ghost Votives
It's that time of year again... Time for ghosts, witches, and goblins to make their spooky appearances. Mwah ha ha ha! (That was my best evil laugh, in case you couldn't tell.) Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday, because it's all about creativity. For that reason, it's also the perfect holiday to do crafts with the family. This year, we decided to add to our porch decor by making Dry Erase Ghost Votives. … [Read more...]
The 5 Biggest Potty Training Mistakes
Last week I posted a potty training question on our Facebook page and it was the most commented on question we've had in months! Clearly, potty training is a topic you guys are interested in. Today Alli's here with what we've learned to be the 5 biggest potty training mistakes parents make. My youngest son just turned 15 months. And the bigger he gets, the more I get that dreaded feeling... POTTY TRAINING. It's looming, right around the corner. I learned A LOT when I … [Read more...]
{Play Time} Frozen Inspired Quiet Time Activity
Nearly a year later, and my family is still FROZEN obsessed. It's pretty ridiculous, actually. I'll take it, though. With a family of boys, after all, this may be the the closest to a "princess movie" I'll ever get. My boys adore Olaf. So I decided to put together a "Do You Want to Build a Snowman Busy Box" to set aside for rainy days. … [Read more...]
Homemade Soda (No Machine Required)
Making homemade soda pop is probably one of the most exciting things I could do with my kids on the 4th of July (second only to the fireworks themselves). My littles love to cook with me and, of course, they love anything sweet so this one may just have to become a family tradition. I love that we won't need to invest in a fancy Soda Stream machine to follow Alli's recipe either! The Fourth of July is just around the corner. And as we prepare our party menus, why not add your own homemade … [Read more...]
Build a “Play Dough Tool Kit”
Top Image Credit (cropped, text and other photos added below): © Nicola | 04.09.11 | CC by 2.0 My son LOVES play dough. I mean, really. It's almost an obsession. And you know what? I don't blame him. I remember loving play dough as a kid, myself. There's just something magical about it. It's a blank slate of 3D creativity. Besides, I can't think of a better obsession for a pre-schooler. We all know that children (and adults, for that matter) learn best when their senses are engaged. Think … [Read more...]
Make it: Mother’s Day Trinket Dish
I don't know about you, but my baubles always end up all over the place. Probably because I am constantly trying to keep up with a toddler and an 8 month-old. But even on my dresser, where most of my jewelry accumulates, I have no place to collect it all the stray pieces. Enter: the Trinket Dish. I saw something similar at Anthropologie and thought it would make the perfect Mother's Day gift (I know I'd want one). Plus, it's so easy to make. First I scoured our local dollar store for … [Read more...]
Giveaway! BISSELL Symphony (TM) All-In-One Vacuum and Steam Mop
Who wants to win a Bissell Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop - raise your hand. I have wanted a combo steam mop and vacuum for longer than I can remember. Actually, scratch that, for pretty much exactly as long as I've had children. Let's face it, between food messes, art messes, and stomping in mud and dirt from outside, kids are rough on floors. Which is why I was so excited when our latests sponsor, Bissell, offered up a couple of these steam mop vacuums to me and our … [Read more...]
DIY Valentine’s Day Decor: Easy Instagram Art
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and it's one of my favorite holidays for arts and crafts. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's the welcome diversion from everything Christmas. Maybe it's the idea that we're making gifts for the ones we love most. Regardless, I get giddy this time of year and love to come up with new things to make, especially decorations. Lately, I've been trying to make decorations that will last - things that I can keep and look back on, as the years fly by … [Read more...]