Looking for some potty training tips? You might want to start with our super popular post, The 5 Biggest Potty Training Mistakes (and maybe also this potty training tip for some self-sustaining humor). After that, head over to Amazon or your local library because as with almost all parenting challenges, it's always helpful to have a book for both you and your kiddo to help tackle it! Here's our resident children's librarian, Janssen, with her best picks on the topic... Are there any … [Read more...]
Potty Training Know-How: Top 5 Dos and Don’ts
I'm about to start potty training my youngest child. And I'd be lying if I said I was excited about it. All I remember from last time was the amount of stress involved. And cleaning up accidents. So many accidents. Before I started the process this time, I decided it would be wise to go back over my notes. (Yes, I kept notes. Nerd alert.) I realized even though this isn't my first rodeo, I can't just jump in blindly. So I took some time to think about what worked, and of … [Read more...]
The Biggest Potty Training Mistake I Ever Made
Image Credit: © Mandy Lackey | Potty Training Day 2 (Text added) | CC by 2.0 Jessica is back today with another tale from the parenting front-lines. If you have every potty trained a child, I know you will relate to this one... The things we do for our kids!! Read on (you'll likely be laughing and nodding your head knowingly the whole time), then tell us your most memorable potty training experience. We'd love to hear it. When my oldest son was three, he went through a charming little … [Read more...]
The 5 Biggest Potty Training Mistakes
Last week I posted a potty training question on our Facebook page and it was the most commented on question we've had in months! Clearly, potty training is a topic you guys are interested in. Today Alli's here with what we've learned to be the 5 biggest potty training mistakes parents make. My youngest son just turned 15 months. And the bigger he gets, the more I get that dreaded feeling... POTTY TRAINING. It's looming, right around the corner. I learned A LOT when I … [Read more...]