This is a picture of C (age 21 months) and S (age 1 month) after a particularly exhausting trip to the zoo. If you're the parent of a toddler you might think there's something funny about this picture. C is still facing backwards despite being a full 9 months past the 1 year mark when most parents turn their children to face forward. That's because I'm fortunate enough to have as one of my closest friends a woman whom I've dubbed the car seat guru. We met in a mommy group when C was … [Read more...]
A Quick, Easy, and Super Cool Kid Photography Project
I've been seeing lots of creative kid photography projects lately but this is by far one of my favorites. Since I found this idea on pinterest by someone who got it from unnamed sources on flickr - I don't have an original source for you. So instead of using the photo I found, I took 5 minutes and made my own. The process is extremely simple. Just choose a picture with lots of open space on one side. Then use your photo editing software of choice to add some text about your … [Read more...]
Fresh Finds: Japan Disaster Relief on Etsy
It's no secret I'm a big fan of all things Etsy. One of my favorite aspects of the online artisan community is its soul. A quality that is best exhibited during times of need. So as soon as I heard about the devastation in Japan I started crafting this post in my head. I knew that Etsy would soon be brimming with items benefiting relief efforts and when I hopped on the site to investigate I wasn't dissapointed. Click through for all sorts of goodies for your kids, yourself, your … [Read more...]
The “Rabbit Diet” – A Nutritious and Fun New Lunch System for Your Kids
photo via Meet the Dubiens Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you haven't already, be sure to check out my free printables for a limerick treasure hunt and a shamrock temporary tattoo or sticker. For more St. Patty's Day fun, try imitating this yummy creation from Meet the Dubiens. This is only the latest in a long line of awe-inspiring lunches that Jill has created as part of her Fun Food Friday series - I highly recommend you go check them out. And while we're on … [Read more...]
Five Fun Ways to Play with Marshmallows
Over at momtastic, I'm all about toothpicks and marshmallows for impromptu structure building and color mixing fun (see above for the "finished" product). Head over for all the details, then click through here for lots more inspiring marshmallow activities. photo via Say Yes to Hoboken Typically when thinking of building with marshmallows and toothpicks, structures like this one at Say Yes to Hoboken come to mind (although the rainbow toothpicks are a fresh addition). If … [Read more...]
Fresh Finds: Not Your Standard Dollhouses
photo via mycakies Etsy shop I didn't think I'd ever find a dollhouse as special as this suitcase version I featured a few weeks ago. Then I spied these Giant Dollhouse Pillows from Cakies. Can you imagine the reactions your little girl would get if she showed up to a sleepover packing one of these babies? Read on for the details (trust me, you'll be amazed) as well as another clever dollhouse creation. Rubyellen lovingly created the first pillow … [Read more...]
Fresh Finds: Etsy Container Gardens Your Kids Will Love
You may remember this Valentine roundup featuring some super sweet ideas from dandee. Well, recently I took a peek at the site's Etsy shop and was delighted to find "Spring in a Can". I love the modern (yet cozy) aesthetic almost as much as I love the clever idea. This is just what I need to remind me that spring is on the way and I know C will be fascinated by the growing greenery. Read more for a few more indoor growing activities the kids will love. This DIY Moss Terrarium Kit … [Read more...]
DIY 4 Leaf Clover Tattoos & Stickers (with Free Printables)
When I was a kid, the best part of St. Patrick's Day was making people think you weren't wearing green. Then, just when they were going in for the pinch, WHAM!, you flashed them your green. If you saw this post, then you know I'm all about the free printables for St. Paddy's Day. Today I've got one for creating secret green tattoos or stickers to be hidden under sleeves until reveal time. First you'll need to gather your materials. For tattoos you'll … [Read more...]
Free Printable: St. Paddy’s Day Limerick Hunt
I mentioned last week that I'll be contributing some playtime activity posts over at momtastic and today is my first one - yay! It's a treasure hunt game with free printables so you can play along at home. There are four limerick clues to print out and hide as well as a template for making your own pot of gold for the end of the hunt. I was originally going to sew together the pot of gold but then I spied these stapled Valentines. How ironic is it that it took my … [Read more...]
Good Design for a Good Cause
I've been meaning to write this post for a while but last week's vacation has got me a little behind. (Isn't it ironic how you always need a vacation to recover from vacation?) Anyway, you've probably already heard about this by now but just in case you haven't... This "Lovely Love My Family" Print is not only incredibly sweet and stylish, it's also for a good cause. All of the proceeds from its sale go directly to the Schultz family to help with medical costs associated with their … [Read more...]
Clothes for Funny Babies
There's nothing worse than a baby without a sense of humor. Start your little one off with the right attitude with these silly onesies. This one's $18 from egg-a-go-go. It's not currently for sale but my experience with most Etsy sellers is if you ask for it, they'll make it. "I ate the dingo" at Cafe Press for $15. $35 "Camera hand-stitched" onesie at amy tangerine. … [Read more...]
How To Use Spoonflower to Make a Customized Play Mat (aka Best Baby Gift Ever)
This is my new favorite gift for babies - a travel/play mat that's customized with baby's name, birth date, weight, height and whatever else you want to include. It's a great keepsake and is actually useful. Plus, it looks fancy but is truly a beginner level sewing project. Be careful though, designing your own fabric can be addicting! If you haven't heard of it, Spoonflower is a great little website that lets anyone become a textile designer. I used it to design … [Read more...]
Build Fine Motor Skills with a Toddler Friendly Sewing Basket
All photos via Childhood 101 Tomorrow is the day I finally share my Celebrate the Boy post and I'm bouncy off the walls here! To celebrate I give you this Toddler Friendly Sewing Basket from Childhood 101. This is hands down one of the coolest kid activities I've spotted in a while and it's even sewing related (almost like I was saving it for some sewing-inclined readers who might be stopping by tomorrow). I've been on the lookout for creative lacing activities to build C's … [Read more...]
Playtime Activities and Projects for Boys (and Girls).
Hickory Nut Sail Boats at Crow Roosters Crow. This Friday afternoon is my big post for Celebrate the Boy (you can tell I'm excited because I can't stop myself from repeatedly mentioning it in my posts). And while I already put up this boy-centric post last week, I've still got boys on the brain. This time I'm focusing on playtime. There's just one little problem... Every time I write the term "activity for boys" my gut clenches a little and I think, "S would like this … [Read more...]