Life comes at you fast these days. Have you noticed how we drink our morning coffee and the next thing we know, we're tired and crawling into bed? If we don't stop to be intentional, we can miss out on some really important moments with our spouse and kids. There are two things we've found helpful in being more present with our kids at dinner time: A no-technology rule at meal time. A handy set of conversations starters to get the ball rolling. Today we're going to show … [Read more...]
2-Minute Strategies for Strengthening Your Child’s “Mental Game” in Sports and in Life
In our fast-moving world today, there is barely enough time to squeeze in a meal together, let alone time to work on the emotional development of your kids. Yet, no matter how well you provide for their every need, if you neglect your child’s mental well-being then you are doing them a disservice in life. But, before I explain how you can find that precious time, you need to understand the following facts: Parents are the epicenter of their child’s world and creators of their … [Read more...]
Why You Should Make the Dining Room an Art Room
This is the time of the year that we're all thinking about organization. So today I'd like to bring back I had a few years ago and see what you guys think... Turning the (often underused) dining room into an art room for the kids. Here's my original argument for the change.... I finally did it - I got rid of the old green couch (which was essentially a glorified dog bed) in our play room and replaced it with the mother of all tables and some clever storage benches. Thus creating the … [Read more...]
How to Have Healthier Kids This Cold & Flu Season
Image Credit: © Taylor Mackenzie | Lifeless | CC by 2.0 We're on day EIGHT of my daughter having a fever of 101 or more. It's official- fall is here and winter is on the way. And while there's a lot to love about that (warm fires, cozy drinks and brown paper packages tied up in strings)... there's also the cold and flu season. It hits us every year and every year I vow that I'm gonna take some real steps to boost my kids' immunity. So let's get on it together this year, shall we? My favorite … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: The Most Important Thing in My Purse
I thought I'd keep it short and sweet today and just sent one quick universal parenting tip: always keep a card game in your purse.Last week my son had his final cross country meet and it ended a little earlier than I anticipated. Though we weren't initially planning on it, I decided to take advantage of the rare opportunity to have some one-on-one time and pop into our local pizza joint. While that surely would have been connection enough for my son, the experience was made even … [Read more...]
Top 10 Parenting Books for Raising Girls
Next month, I'll be having my third child and my third girl. Which means that parenting little girls is always on my mind. Whether you have a single daughter or a whole slew of them, these books are full of great advice on how to handle all manner of parenting issues, from education to bullying to the princess obsessions. Little Girls Can Be Mean: Four Steps to Bully-proof Girls in the Early Grades by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert. Bullying is a hot issue right now, and this book is … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: How I Re-Connected with My Kids
I don’t think I sat on the couch for more than five minutes when my kids were toddlers—we were always on the floor playing trains, or at the table squeezing Play-Doh, or off on an adventure somewhere. Honestly, I thought I’d enjoy it more than I did. Oh, I could play Thomas the Tank Engine for 30 minutes just fine, but the whole day? Not so much. I’ll admit it—I couldn’t wait for them to play independently. Parents often joke about kids’ short attention spans, but I will say that my kids … [Read more...]
13 Must-Try Traditions for the First Day of School
When my kids were old enough to start school, my mother-in-law passed down a tradition that she continued into adulthood with her children. On the first day of school, she would take a photo of the child holding the door knob ready to leave. She did this every year and even has a photo of her children in their college cap and gown, holding on to that same door knob. I've continued the tradition with my kids. Now that I have two high-schoolers and a middle schooler, I don't think my kids would … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: Why You Should Learn Something New with Your Kid
I awkwardly pulled the mesh helmet over my head in my first fencing class. It was hot. My glasses fell down my nose and my hair was in my face. My heart beat as rapidly as if I were standing in line for a roller coaster. True confession: I never wanted to be a fencer. When I was pregnant, I dreamed of Mom-n-Me ballet classes. I couldn’t wait for my kids to be old enough for the adult and child mixed beginner Taekwando class in the rec department’s catalog. The idea of taking … [Read more...]
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