2020 is over!! This is the time I always ask myself: Should I make New Year's resolutions this year? This year the answer is a resounding YES. I'm aiming for goals that are both aspirational and attainable. Luckily, we also happen to have a simple tool to help you and your family make some goals for this year while reminiscing all the happenings of last year. Download yours here... At our house, we've been chatting over dinner about our favorite memories of this year - our … [Read more...]
Free Printable: Thanksgiving Gratitude Conversation Starters
Gratitude isn't a new concept for us. We've talked before about regularly expressing gratitude toward our kids and putting our gratitude into writing. Do a simple search for gratitude on the blog and you'll see many ideas for crafts and thoughts about giving thanks. The benefits of being a grateful person range from being more optimistic, less materialistic and self-centered, to increasing our self-esteem and actually making us healthier. This is something we should be working on literally … [Read more...]
Free Printable: No More “Mom, I’m Bored!”
When stuck at home, as we all are, there seems to be endless rounds of, “Mom, I’m bored!” Today we’re fixing that complaint with this creative checklist that I have clipped and posted around my home. Acronyms are easy ways for my children (and me) to remember activities to keep themselves busy and energized during the free time. Get your free No More "Mom, I'm Bored!" printable here, then read on for TONS of ideas for each … [Read more...]
Free Printable: A Week’s Worth of Valentine Lunchbox Jokes
I've been talking to you a lot about healthy kid food lately. You know what goes fabulously with healthy lunches? Absolutely anything that makes eating them more fun! Younger kids almost universally love knock-knock or punny jokes. So we've put together a printable with valentine jokes for you to slip inside your child's lunchbox. Simply print out the free form, cut along the lines, and you're good to go. Send me the lunchbox notes! You'll have one for every school day the week of … [Read more...]
How to Connect at Dinner Time: Conversation Starters & Parked Phone Stations
Life comes at you fast these days. Have you noticed how we drink our morning coffee and the next thing we know, we're tired and crawling into bed? If we don't stop to be intentional, we can miss out on some really important moments with our spouse and kids. There are two things we've found helpful in being more present with our kids at dinner time: A no-technology rule at meal time. A handy set of conversations starters to get the ball rolling. Today we're going to show … [Read more...]
Free Printable for Growing Bookworms: Kids’ Reading Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts and reading make the perfect pair. Discovering new stories, interesting characters, or a great series builds your child's love for literature as well as her motivation to become an independent reader. As parents we want to grow our children's interest in reading but sometimes feel like we've run out of ideas on how to do just that. To help, we've created a fun and simple way to challenge your child to read and discover outside of their comfort zone. It's a free printable … [Read more...]
Free Printable: The Single Page Summer Planner because Camps are Already Filling Up!
I'm gonna keep it super short today guys and simply present you with an organizational tool I love to help you stay on top of your mom game. I'm really enjoying coming up with free tools to help you win the war we're all waging on busy - I hope you guys are too. Today, I've got something I rely heavily on this time of year. Drum roll, please... Get the FREE Single Page Summer Planner Printable Now! There are SO many camps, vacations, swim lessons, etc. during the summer and … [Read more...]
Free Printable: Family New Year Resolutions
I love the start of a new year. As much as I adore the holidays, there is something so refreshing about taking down all the decorations, getting back into a normal work and school routine, and thinking about what you want to accomplish in the new year. For my entire childhood, setting goals for the new year was a huge part of our family culture. My dad printed out little spreadsheets for us to fill in with different goals about money, school, health, hobbies, and relationships. We'd … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: 9 Ways to Spend Less Time Doing Laundry
Doing laundry can seem like an endless chore, especially in large households with multiple kids. According to the most recent American Time Use Study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women spend two hours a week doing laundry. Here are 9 ways to get the chore done faster so you can spend more time with your family. #1 - Delegate Make laundry a shared responsibility. Teach teens how to use the washer and dryer. Get the free laundry cheat sheet here! Create a … [Read more...]