Now that Christmas is over, the inevitable question lingers - what to do with all those new toys? Never fear, our in-house professional organizer, Annie, has us covered with some pro tips and she's here today to help us launch our best year yet. Here are her pearls of wisdom... If you feel you're in an ever-losing battle with your children's games and toys, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone. I've encountered few families who've had difficulty navigating the toy jungle. Before … [Read more...]
3 Awesome LEGO Storage and Organization DIYs
I'm away prepping for, or possibly enjoying, my new baby boy today (I'm not sure yet as I'm writing this several weeks in advance of publishing it). Either way, I haven't forgotten you guys. I've asked Holly of the kid play mega site, Kids Activities Blog, to stop by and share her best DIYs and tips for finally getting those LEGOs under control. This is a challenge we're starting to face in a very real way around our house and I absolutely love all of Holly's ideas - especially the DIY … [Read more...]
Style & Simplify: Display Solutions for Tiny Treasures
We're once again tackling organization today as part of our month long quest to eat better, parent better, organize better and just generally live better this year. I'm really quite smitten with this lovely little DIY project - the only problem is I couldn't decide where it fit better, in Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life or The Forever Home Project. In the end, I just decided to file it under both (I'm the boss around here - I can totally do that). Turns out I wasn't the only one with issues … [Read more...]
12 Fail-Proof Steps to Playroom Perfection
Remember when I teamed up with Jen of the infamous I Heart Organizing for that fabulous FLOR giveaway? And how she used her rug to complete her equally fabulous playroom? Well... I begged, pleaded and cajoled until finally she agreed to come back and spill all her organizational secrets with us today as part of Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life. Enjoy! Our playroom is one of our favorite rooms in the house, because it is by far the most used and loved room. It has been set up and designed … [Read more...]
There are Only Two Types of Toys
Did you guys know that along with her expertise in communication and play, our new contributor Kim also has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to toy organization? Today she's sharing some of her know-how with a quick and easy 3 step plan to corral your deluge of toys. I can't wait to put this system into place in our house! I write a lot about play, toys, and rotating toys. It seems as much as we all want to harness our inner minimalist and have beautifully simple and organized … [Read more...]
Taming the Chaos: Play Room Edition
Last week I promised I'd be back with the "gory details" of our recent re-organization weekend and today I'm delivering the first installment. A number of you have asked for more posts on storage and organization, particularly pertaining to toys. Just for you, I'm going out of my comfort zone a bit here and exposing what is decidedly one of the less stylish spots in my house in order to share what's been working for our family. Before we get started, I just want to point out that I do … [Read more...]