I don't have to tell you that this school year is going to be unlike any other. This year, it's not only wise to establish a space inside the home that's a suitable study environment, it's essential. Without an efficient place to do homework, kids can struggle to focus, can lack the motivation to attend to their work, and can be prone to household distractions. They can also, in reaction to insufficient workspaces, develop exceedingly strange study practices which will raise eyebrows for the … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: Principles of An Organized Playroom
Now that Christmas is over, the inevitable question lingers - what to do with all those new toys? Never fear, our in-house professional organizer, Annie, has us covered with some pro tips and she's here today to help us launch our best year yet. Here are her pearls of wisdom... If you feel you're in an ever-losing battle with your children's games and toys, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone. I've encountered few families who've had difficulty navigating the toy jungle. Before … [Read more...]
An Organized Car In Time For Summer Travel
Is your car road trip ready? If not, don't fret. Our resident professional organizer, Annie, is here with a summer-themed post for Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life today that will get you there in no time. She's got lots of great tips as well as some handy product recommendations. (I've been meaning to buy the last thing on her list for ages - this is just the push I needed!) The summer months are fast approaching, and with them, lots of day trips and long-haul journeys. Regardless of … [Read more...]
How to Save Money with a Birthday Gift Closet {POYEL}
If I'm honest, I've always thought setting up a birthday gift closet was a pretty unrealistic and over-the-top idea (as evidence by probably the most popular thing I've ever written). But then my son started elementary school and I quickly realized that the number of birthday party invites that come once your child becomes a student can be immense. Not only is it a stress-saver to always have an appropriate gift around, it can also be a serious money saver if you stock up whenever you see … [Read more...]
The Best Way to Fold Reusable Bags to Save Space (VIDEO)
I've been meaning to post this video for quite a while (we're talking months) but - you know - life. Now, however, the warm weather is coming and I'm not putting it off anymore. A neatly stored disposable bag or two in the car is a must have during summer - perfect for harnessing wet clothes and suits, sand toys, impromptu picnics, etc. And this method is pretty great just for keeping your cupboards from constantly overflowing too. Here's our resident professional organizer, Annie, with … [Read more...]
10 Best Ways To Organize Art Supplies
I recently mentioned my newly rekindled desire to set up a tinkering/creation station in our new house for the kids. So - of course - I had to put our resident professional organizer on the job to make sure I had all the resources I needed to get it done right. Here's Annie with her ideas on how to create a beautifully functional and organized art space for your kiddos. P.S. Creating a space like this is also IDEAL for using with our free summer B.O.R.E.D. printable. School's out for … [Read more...]
How to Organize Photos Like a Professional Organizer: POYEL
Our post on How to Store Your Digital Photos Like a Professional Photographer was so popular that we decided to follow it up with another Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life post on how to organize print photos from our resident professional organizer, Annie. She's got a fool-proof 5 part process you're sure to love! While the majority of us have shifted into the digital realm most households still have a stockpile of family pictures. Printed at the local drugstore some several years ago, … [Read more...]
POYEL: Organizing Children’s Books
Hi friends, I know I promised you a big eBook reveal today but, alas, technical difficulties have arisen. Hopefully all will be well and back on track soon. Until then - here's Annie with a new POYEL project! We know it can be difficult for many people (read: parents) to part with treasured children’s books, even if their kids have long since outgrown them. Children's books are one of the few instances in which I just can't condemn such sentimental attachments to material belongings; I have a … [Read more...]
How To Organize Sewing Kits & Spare Buttons (+ Free Printable)
MPMK's own professional organizer, Annie, is back today with our latest Project Organize Your Entire Life installment. Creating an orderly sewing repair kit probably isn't at the top of anyone's to-do list but it sure does come in handy when the button pops of your favorite fall coat. I'm loving Annie's clever tricks for keeping all those spare buttons and thread packs organized and accessible. There's even a free printable at the end, which is always a bonus. A good place to start with … [Read more...]