We're talking memories today as part of our month long mission to find ways to eat better, parent better, organize better and just generally live better this year. Before S arrived, I was actually pretty good about recording memories for our little family. At the end of each month I would use the photos we'd taken to create 2 - 4 new pages in an iphoto book, along with a few paragraphs with family anecdotes, accomplishments, etc. The idea being that at the end of the year I would have a … [Read more...]
“Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life” Planner Printables Now Available!
It's that time of year again, when we all take a deep breath and vow to make a fresh start. And to help you out, we've got some big, exciting news to share today! When we launched our handbook to leading a more simplified life, Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: The Quick Start Guide. It was a huge success and we've since sold well over 10,000 copies. But I also heard from you guys that you would like some handy-dandy printables to go along with your newly-formed action plans. So last … [Read more...]
POYEL: 10 Tips for Better Meal Planning
Some people love meal planning, some people hate it. Whether you like it or not, it can be really helpful for your budget, your time management and your sanity as a parent. Everyone goes about meal planning a little differently, but this is how our resident food contributor, Natalie, sets herself up for success before the actual “meal-planning” time begins. … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: Mega Cleaning Action Plan
Today's the day, time for me to unleash one enormous post and time for you to finally make a cleaning schedule and get started down the path to a new life. One in which you don't have to limit having people over to times when you know you'll have a few hours to frantically surface clean the whole place first (or is that just me?). That's the goal anyway, and below is the action plan to help get you there. So grab a cup of Jo, some pen and paper, and get comfy - we've got some work to … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: DIY Cleaning Chart
So this is kind of, OK totally, putting the cart before the horse but I got so excited about the concept of making a cleaning chart and actually having a clean house that I just couldn't wait any longer - ideas on how I wanted to make mine were literally keeping me up at night. Plus, your comments lead me to believe that many of you are also moving ahead with your cleaning schedule (bravo!). So I'm jumping ahead a bit but I promise I'm still going to post a roundup of all the useful stuff you … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: Cleaning Schedule Questions
top right, top left, bottom left, bottom right We are young / So let's set the world on fire / We can burn brighter / than the sun Can you hear me singing this to you? Got you fired up to start organizing your ENTIRE life? Wondering how in the world I'm gonna deliver on a promise like that? Me too! But I'm gonna give it my best, and here's how... If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's going to take a village to get something like this done. I'm happy … [Read more...]
So How Exactly Are We Going To Do All This?
After reading all of your responses to Friday's post, all I could think was, "you get me, you really get me!". And I'm so glad because a small part of me wondered if you would. I needn't have worried. You all reacted exactly as I would have in your shoes. There was palpable relief that you wouldn't, it turned out, have to form a lynch mob and show up, pitchforks in hand, on my doorstep. By the end your envy had faded and most of you were chuckling (a few mentioned full out belly … [Read more...]
The Beginning – READ THIS FIRST!!
I've been trying to figure out how to write this without sounding ridiculous. What I want to say is this: I finally did it you guys, I completely and totally organized my life! It took a lot of hard work and a lot of late nights but I now have a plan, routine, or system for everything. I've compiled and categorized enough healthy, inexpensive and easy recipes that I have a 90 day dinner menu (complete with theme nights like pasta Monday and slow-coooker Thursday) and I have the … [Read more...]
Taming the Chaos: Play Room Edition
Last week I promised I'd be back with the "gory details" of our recent re-organization weekend and today I'm delivering the first installment. A number of you have asked for more posts on storage and organization, particularly pertaining to toys. Just for you, I'm going out of my comfort zone a bit here and exposing what is decidedly one of the less stylish spots in my house in order to share what's been working for our family. Before we get started, I just want to point out that I do … [Read more...]