We're talking memories today as part of our month long mission to find ways to eat better, parent better, organize better and just generally live better this year. Before S arrived, I was actually pretty good about recording memories for our little family. At the end of each month I would use the photos we'd taken to create 2 - 4 new pages in an iphoto book, along with a few paragraphs with family anecdotes, accomplishments, etc. The idea being that at the end of the year I would have a … [Read more...]
How to Store Your Digital Photos Like the Pros Do
One of the things I've been dying to tackle with Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life is digital photo storage. I have thousands (maybe even tens of thousands? I'm not sure - I'm too scared to look) of photos currently on my computer. Not at all organized, not even a little. I just haven't been sure how to go about it. Then it hit me... I have some stellar professional photographers on my team, why not ask them how they do it? So today MPMK's own professional photog Kristin is here doing just … [Read more...]