We're talking memories today as part of our month long mission to find ways to eat better, parent better, organize better and just generally live better this year. Before S arrived, I was actually pretty good about recording memories for our little family. At the end of each month I would use the photos we'd taken to create 2 - 4 new pages in an iphoto book, along with a few paragraphs with family anecdotes, accomplishments, etc. The idea being that at the end of the year I would have a … [Read more...]
POYEL: Decluttering Weekend
Two Fridays ago I told you we were shipping the kids off to the grandparents for the weekend with the goal of decluttering pretty much the entire house while they were away. Today I thought I'd give you the quick and dirty on how it all went down. We didn't quite cover the entire house, our office and a few random drawers remain, but overall we were very pleased with our progress. My husband almost completely cleaned out our garage (previously known as the black hole) and I … [Read more...]
POYEL: Decluttering the Small Stuff
After a week of vacation, it seems like it's been quite a while since we've had a Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life post around here. So today we're tackling more decluttering. Last time we addressed the topic, I included a link up party and, to be honest, I just wasn't feeling it. I loved seeing everyone's progress - it was just the look of the whole thing I pretty much hated. It felt way too cluttered for a post on, well, decluttering. Despite that little set back, I still thought our … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: DIY Cleaning Chart
So this is kind of, OK totally, putting the cart before the horse but I got so excited about the concept of making a cleaning chart and actually having a clean house that I just couldn't wait any longer - ideas on how I wanted to make mine were literally keeping me up at night. Plus, your comments lead me to believe that many of you are also moving ahead with your cleaning schedule (bravo!). So I'm jumping ahead a bit but I promise I'm still going to post a roundup of all the useful stuff you … [Read more...]