Today I'm sharing with you the full post of an organizational DIY I did over at U-Create a while back. Hopefully it'll get you moving in the right (orderly) direction. You'll only need five minutes and three simple items: a stack of colorful sticky notes, a marker, and a shadow box. I got my shadow box from Ikea (it measures 19.5" square) but, as I'm sure you all know, they can be found at any local craft store. Start by labeling your top row of sticky notes. I used the headings: … [Read more...]
DIY Creativity Center (Toddler-Friendly & Baby-Proof)
All it took was one little trip to IKEA and the creativity center that I've been visualizing for months now is finally a reality. I was pleasantly surprised to find the main components came to a pre-tax total of only $70. It's been up for two days and so far C has spent over an hour each morning parked here. The best part is, it's always his idea - all the pretty materials on display seem to beckon to him (just as I hoped they would). This is … [Read more...]