Summer is the time of travel, which can be great, but also a bit trying. So over the next week or two, we'll be featuring ways to increase the fun, decrease the stress. Kicking us off today is Annie with tips for getting your home and life set for your return before you leave. Plus, there's a free printable - so be sure to read all the way to the end! There's a lot to think about when it comes to planning for travel. All too often, the focus is solely on packing for trips and travel … [Read more...]
We’re Off! 7 Books to Take On Your Summer Travels
There's lots of parts of travel that can be overwhelming (packing for a whole family, anyone?), but the trip itself shouldn't be one of those things. Some of the best memories of childhood can be the time squished in the backseat of a car with your siblings or experiencing your first plane ride! Whether you're traveling by plane or train or car this summer (or even if you're staying home and just have antsy kids to entertain), these books will keep everyone engaged and happy for hours, no … [Read more...]
Traveling Utah: Alt Summit & Sundance
Hi friends... how are you? Before whisking away to Utah last week, I scheduled everything ahead of time and I didn't get much of a chance to check-in while I was away. I've missed you all. Now that I'm back, I thought I'd provide a glimpse of the whirlwind that was Alt Summit and Sundance. If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen the majority of these photos (and may very well be very sick of #altsummit at this point - so sorry for that, more variety to come, I promise). … [Read more...]
Sand Castles in San Diego
There's something I didn't tell you guys last week... we took the boy and went on vacay to sunny San Diego (S got to hang out with the grandparents at home). Did you notice I was phoning it in a bit? I actually worked really hard to get all of the week's posts done ahead of time but there were still a few things that fell through the cracks like making the Look Book photos open in a separate page. Oh well, the sun and fun were definitely worth it! I literally took over 500 pictures … [Read more...]