I adored this latest submission in our 'Parenting Styles' series- because this is TOTALLY me! It's taken a long, long, LONG time but I've finally realized that being such a big believer in teaching my kids to do for themselves means that it's not going to be done up to my standards. And that's ok. In fact it's as it should be. I've finally realized it, but living it and being cool with it is something I'm still working on. Every. Single. Day. The struggle is real people. Here's Jessica with … [Read more...]
Why You Should be Spring Cleaning Your Parenting Each Year
I've got a fantastic positive parenting guest post today from Annie of Motherhood and More. I discovered Annie through her hilarious and insightful facebook posts and was instantly smitten. I absolutely love her idea of spring cleaning your parenting each year. It can be so easy to get stuck in our habits and routines without putting much thought into what we're doing. By putting a parenting spring clean on the calendar every year, you're ensuring that you're not parenting on auto-pilot! … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: When is the Right Time to Start Kids in Sports?
Jessica is back today discussing her parenting style when it comes to extracurricular activities. More specifically, her experience enrolling her son in a martial arts program at age 4. When and where to start enrolling your kids in activities has to be one of the most personal choices of parenting. There doesn't actually seem to be a lot of routinely recited advice on the topic (other than to always, always - Dear God, Always! - be weary of over-scheduling). So I love to see what other … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: Saying No to Tween TV
What's your parenting style when it comes to kids and TV ? It's so much more simple when your kids are really young isn't it? When you can turn on Sesame Street every once in a while and they're happy? Can't we just stay in this place forever? According to our parenting contributor, Jessica, no- no we cannot. But that doesn't mean we're without power. Here she is with her take on the dreaded "Tween TV". She's got some pretty strong feelings on the subject. I'm curious, what's your take? Is … [Read more...]
How to Make Your Kid a Money Saver
Today's post is brought to you by MPMK's newest sponsor, Upromise, a company dedicated to helping parents find small ways to do a really big thing- save for college! If you're not familiar with how the Upromise program works, here's a quick 1-minute video to get you up to speed on how the things you already do every day, from shopping online to ordering pizza for movie night, can earn you money for your child's college fund. Check out the Upromise program today and then check out these … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: Navigating The Eye Roll, Seven Years Early
With all the different parenting styles, it can be no joke figuring out how to discipline a toddler. Jessica is here today with our parenting section, newly re-named Parenting Styles, with some great insight on what to do when your toddler starts acting like a teenager. I read this great article the other day that was wildly reassuring to my future self, the one who's a mom of a teenage girl. It covered the many purposes that the ol’ eye roll serves in the life of an adolescent. And they … [Read more...]
8 Best Books for Raising Financially Responsible Kids
If your child has ever suggested you just pay with your credit card when you said you couldn't afford something or wondered why your family vacations are less grandiose than the neighbors (or cousins!), you know how early money education can and should start. There's so much you want your child to know about money before they leave home, whether it's about spending and saving, investing, interest rates, and real estate. And frankly, if you're like me, there are some of those things you're a … [Read more...]
Friday Find: “Screenagers” Documentary
The "Screenagers" documentary poster on a wall outside the theater at Sir Francis Drake High School in San Anselmo, California, on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016. Photo: Connor Radnovich, The Chronicle Have you guys seen the preview for this new documentary? It looks amazing (and also a little terrifying). As a mom who started having kids at almost exactly the same time that the smartphone was born, the issue of kids and screens is one that I think about A LOT. I agree whole-heartedly with the … [Read more...]
Parenting: The Ongoing Lesson of Appreciation
When each of our four kids was born, we set up a savings account in their names. Every month, we toss in a bit of money – and I mean a bit, especially now that it’s split four ways – with the idea that one day, when they’re older, we’ll gift them each with whatever we’ve managed to put aside in their name. We haven’t thought out the particulars – maybe it’ll help them pay for their first car or part of a college education, or maybe we’ll just surprise them with it after graduation – but … [Read more...]