Yesterday was a crazy day (power outages, cancelled activities, melt downs, etc.) and let's just say, I wasn't at my positive parenting best. That afternoon, during a 5-minute period when all three of the kids had miraculously found something to entertain them, I picked up my copy of Parents Magazine. (Do you guys subscribe? I've found it to be surprisingly useful month after month.) Inside I spied an article on great podcasts for parents and immediately picked up my phone and subscribed … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: We Suck at Bedtime
Close to a million hits in less than half a second can’t be wrong - bedtimes are important for kids. And that’s a bit of problem around here, because we suck at bedtime. But we can’t be the only ones, right? I mean, with the exception of my one friend who, every single night, spends a good twenty minutes listening and chatting and reading and, you know, just killing the parenting game with one child while her husband does the same with the other - and then they switch - how many parents … [Read more...]
Tips from a Teacher: 9 Questions to Get Your Kids to Finally Open Up!
When your child gets in the car after school, do you immediately ask, 'How was your day?' Nine times out of ten, the answer is 'good' or 'fine.' Most kids don't elaborate. Maybe it's because their brain is on overload after a full day of school. Maybe it's because they aren't able to verbalize what they're thinking. As parents, we need to ask the questions that allow kids to explain their day at school. It gives us a peek into their world in the 6-8 hours they are away from … [Read more...]
I’m Doing Something I’ve Never Done Before…
Big news today guys! It's that one time of year when my favorite parenting resource, The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, miraculously appears again for 6 days only - until Midnight, May 1st! Always valued at thousands of dollars and priced at 97% off (this year the value is over $2000), the library of resources changes every year but they are always incredibly helpful. Despite the unheard of value of the bundle each year, I inevitably hear from some of you that you're just not sure what you'd … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: The “Spring Break (Is Over) Blues”
Is it just me, or is spring break awesome? And not the college kind of spring break, which, if memory serves me here, was fun in an alcohol-specific way. But I’m talking about spring break in my mid-thirties, four kids deep, when two weeks off of school doesn’t even mean a vacation. Instead, it means three things that I’ve come to deeply appreciate: No alarm clocks (except for my husband, and we all feel terrible for him). No making school lunches, and for some reason, this feels … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide: Protecting Your Kids Online
Image Credit: © | generation | CC by 2.0 Children using the internet is a modern parenting dilemma. How can we let them enjoy and benefit from this world-changing, infinitely educational tool that can span the globe in seconds while also protecting them from its potential dangers? Setting aside the issue of how much “screen time” children should have, here we will look at how to make that screen time safe, fun and productive—whether you are thinking of letting your … [Read more...]
Mom Rant: Stop Calling Your Husband Your Biggest Kid
I'm so interested to know how you guys feel about Jessica's post today- she certainly has some strong opinions! Do you agree? Not agree? Does the whole thing just make you smirk? Stop by our facebook or instagram pages and let me know... I saw something on Pinterest the other day, one of those e-cards or memes or whatever that had a picture of a goofy guy in his 30s giving a thumbs up and the caption, “Your husband will always be your biggest and oldest child that requires the most … [Read more...]
How to Set Up a Successful Homework Routine with Your Kids
Image Credit: © John Bolland | homework | CC by 2.0 With a brand new year, many of us are looking for a fresh start so today I've got a professional organizer with us to help! She's going to teach us all about how to help our kids become more independent in their homework routines. I love her suggestions and practical tips and have been using them at home with great success. Here's Lea with everything else you need... Eventually, most parents want to stop doing homework. At least, I know I … [Read more...]
Back-to-School Must-Read: The “Me, Me, Me” Epidemic
You guys know I've been a long time fan of positive parenting expert Amy McCready. My family has used her positive parenting eCourse for years and we've collaborated several times to offer free webinars on positive parenting topics like getting kids to listen without nagging or yelling (look for our next free webinar coming next month). Last year Amy released a brand new book: The Me, Me, Me Epidemic: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World I was … [Read more...]
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