Who says Halloween crafts and activities have to be scary? I absolutely love this slimey, ooey, gooey activity for helping little ones to get in on the festivities. Here's our contributor Kaley with the detials... It's gooey. It's gummy. It's like glue. It's oobleck! I have a soft spot for activities that correlate with children's books, and this is one of our favorites. After reading about the green sticky goop that falls from the sky in Dr. Seuss's Bartholomew and the Oobleck, amaze your kids … [Read more...]
DIY Duct Tape Halloween Door Mat
A little while back, I was contact by the fine folks at Scotch® Color & Pattern Duct Tape and asked to take part in a Halloween challenge of sorts. Basically, they provided the supplies and I got to get creative. I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with the end result. You should try it - it's definitely a conversation starter and is sure to impress the kiddos as well as your friends. It's also a great way to teach the kids about upcyclying and only requires a few supplies. … [Read more...]