Where has summer gone? I know it only officially started a few days ago but I'm already feeling like it's half over. Admittedly, this is probably because the second half of our summer is jam-packed with travel. So the leisurely, "lets just chill and not plan anything more than a 30 minute swim lesson every day", part of summer feels like it's rapidly disappearing. Never-the-less, we still have a few quintessential summer milestone to go. Not the least of which is the 4th of July. We already … [Read more...]
4th of July Breakfast Treat
As evidence by The Summer of Yes! last week, I've been doing some reflecting on my parenting style lately. One of the things I've realized is that, yes, I do enjoy planning holiday surprises for my kiddos. But also, no, I don't enjoy it when said surprise takes an inordinate amount of time and effort to achieve. Simple = fun, complicated and showy = a stressed out mama and less than overjoyed kids. So in that spirit, I've put together a super simple 4th of July breakfast idea over on … [Read more...]