Running around with young toddlers is challenging for a number of reasons. There's the dreaded task of having to work around nap time. Not to mention the mountain of stuff you need to bring: diapers, changing pads, and- of course - healthy snacks!Today I'm sharing 7 of our favorite healthy snacks that you can make ahead of time and can grab-and-go without worry.#1 - The Roll UpSimple to make and easy to create lots of different varieties, the roll up is a great snack (or lunch) for toddlers as … [Read more...]
Healthy Toddler Meals Perfect to Batch and Freeze
Feeding new eaters and toddlers can feel like a lot of work. It feels like they're hungry all day long! And let's not forget about the joy that is having a picky eater.Wouldn't it be great if you could just pull something you know they like out of the freezer that's healthy and wholesome instead of processed?I've got just the list for you my friends- 7 healthy foods ideal for babies, toddlers, and picky eaters that will allow you to do just that!#1 Apple MuffinsAre you surprised muffins are at … [Read more...]