Image Credit Top: © Phil Roeder |edited and text added | 08.25.11 | CC by 2.0 Bottom: © Woodleywonderworks |edited and text added | 10.17.08 | CC by 2.0 As a former elementary school teacher, and having written about things that your teacher would like you to share about your child, I thought it would be fitting to also let parents know some things that teachers would love to share with you. Today I've rounded up 6 thoughts that most teachers would agree are highly important for parents to … [Read more...]
6 Things Your Child’s Teacher Wants to Know
A few years ago I found out our contributor, Kristin, had been hiding a very big secret from me - although she currently works as a professional photographer, she used to be a 1st grade teacher! You guys, you cannot imagine how psyched I was when she let this little gem slip in an email. All the possible posts just started piling up in my head. The very first thing I wanted her to write for us was a back-to-school post on all the critical things your child's teacher wants to know about … [Read more...]