Image Credit: © Suzette Pauwels (text & graphic added) | 01.01.11 | CC by 2.0 As we all continue to deal with shelter-in-place, I thought it would be the perfect time to re-post a piece written by one of my blogging buddies, Amanda from Not Just Cute. She shares a wonderful method for dealing with problem behaviors in a positive and effective manner... And make sure you don't miss the extra-helpful printable for trying the techniques out in your home. If you've been a … [Read more...]
How 5 Rings Are Going to Make Me a Better Mom this Year
How many of you resolved to yell less at your kids this year? Actually, let me amend that, to just be nicer to your kids? I ask because I've seen a whole lot of stuff going around the web lately about how to stop yelling. Apparently yelling is the new spanking for our generation. I get it. Yelling at your kids totally sucks. Even while you're doing it you are already regretting it, yet you can't seem to make it stop. Nobody wants to parent that way - for sure. But I'd bet that most of … [Read more...]
Parenting: A “5 Rings To Stop Yelling Update”
Ok guys, it's been about a week now since my 5 rings arrived (check out these metal options and colorful silicon rings if you'd like to build a set of your own) - time for an update. (Before getting to that, if you'd like some background on this challenge go here for why we're doing this.) First, and probably most importantly, I'm still at it! One of the scariest things about committing (quite publicly) to doing something outside of your comfort zone is wondering if you can actually follow … [Read more...]
Parenting Hack: Mantras for Being a Mindful Mama
I mentioned last week that we'd be covering various "life hacks" this month in the areas of parenting, organization, meal planning and memory keeping... True to my word, today we're talking about mindfulness and it's role in parenting. Mindfulness is certainly a buzzword that gets tossed around quite a bit these days (it's even part of our own tagline - mindful living, effortless style). But what, exactly does it mean? According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of MBSR (mindfulness-based stress … [Read more...]
The One Question that Has Made Me a Better Mother
Happy Friday friends! I wanted to pop in quickly and share with you a post I wrote this week for eHow's Mom Channel. It's a personal one for me and I really hope you like it - here's a preview: ...The perfectionist in me wants to slow down and make sure I do this parenting thing exactly right. But the kids, and their incessant growing, seem to have other ideas. In fact, I had the bone-chilling realization the other day that we’re already one-third of the way done raising our … [Read more...]
My Summer Mantra
Before critiquing, correcting, or criticizing I will ask myself, "Is this really an issue or is it just annoying me?" (Endless potty jokes - I'm looking at you.) I will remember when they're cackling like deranged maniacs instead of eating their lunch (despite being asked to sit still and chew no less than 37 times) that one of my biggest dreams in life was a house full of giggling, joyful, healthy kids. When they ask to do something that is messy, time-consuming, … [Read more...]
How to Really Love a Child
Kaley is back today with a post that fits so nicely with our recent book club discussion on becoming a more mindful parent. The sentiment behind this poem is such a great reminder of the parent I'm striving to be... How do you love a child? We read books on how to feed your child, how to discipline them, how to talk to them, and how to get them to sleep. But doesn't loving a child just come naturally? Do we really need direction when it comes to loving our children? We all love … [Read more...]