Here's something fun to try this weekend - make rain clouds with the kids in your own kitchen! Check out my full rain-cloud-making/color-mixing post here. P.S. Did you know that facebook has recently drastically changed the way pages like MPMK can share with their followers? Even if you’re a fan of the MPMK facebook page, only a portion of our posts and updates are showing up in your feed these days. So how do you continue to get all of our parenting, playtime, organization, and recipe … [Read more...]
More Science at Home
I thought now might be a good time to sharpen up our science skills. (Plus, the last science at home post was a big hit.) So today I've rounded up 10 more experiments sure to surprise and delight your kiddos. In no particular order, here they are: #1 - 5: Reactions! Fun Science Activities that Fizz, Foam, and Pop! My Pal Amanda over at Not Just Cute has five fun experiments to "keep kids enthralled and provide plenty of opportunities for learning through questions, experimentation, … [Read more...]