Today's the day, time for me to unleash one enormous post and time for you to finally make a cleaning schedule and get started down the path to a new life. One in which you don't have to limit having people over to times when you know you'll have a few hours to frantically surface clean the whole place first (or is that just me?). That's the goal anyway, and below is the action plan to help get you there. So grab a cup of Jo, some pen and paper, and get comfy - we've got some work to … [Read more...]
Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: Cleaning Schedule Questions
top right, top left, bottom left, bottom right We are young / So let's set the world on fire / We can burn brighter / than the sun Can you hear me singing this to you? Got you fired up to start organizing your ENTIRE life? Wondering how in the world I'm gonna deliver on a promise like that? Me too! But I'm gonna give it my best, and here's how... If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's going to take a village to get something like this done. I'm happy … [Read more...]