Image Credit: © Suzette Normand | 07.17.10 191 & 192 | CC by 2.0
The weather is warming up and summer is feeling like it’s just around the corner. Wouldn’t it be amazing if this summer was free of whining on the kids’ part and yelling on your end?
It’s possible!
I’m once again teaming up with my friend and personal parenting guru, Amy McCready of Positive Parenting Solutions, as affiliate and host of:
A FREE Positive Parenting Webinar: Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding, or Yelling
Wednesday Nov. 16th 10am PST / 1pm EST
We are only able offer this webinar only 3 to 4 times a year and it’s always enormously popular, often selling out all 1,000 spots so if you want to learn her tricks and use them to enjoy a peaceful summer with your family, now is the time to sign up!
If you’re not familiar with Amy and her Positive Parenting Solutions program, she’s a self-described “recovering yeller” and champion of positive parenting techniques for happier families and well-behaved kids. She’s also a frequent guest on the TODAY Show and has also appeared on Rachael Ray, CNN, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, and elsewhere.
During the webinar she’ll be sharing a few of her most effective positive parenting techniques and talking all about her positive parenting toolbox (something our family loves).
Here’s a little more info. on the course in case you’ve missed it the first couple of times around…
Why is it so difficult sometimes to get kids to listen? You know she heard you, but she ignores you. You ask again and still . . . no response. If you’re a regular around here, you know I’m a big proponent of positive parenting. In fact, I often recommend posts and books on the topic.
I have to admit, though, despite how much I believe in these writings – I barely have time to read them myself. Life is usually just too busy to allow for a few hours of reading to brush up on my parenting skills.
Which is why I’m so excited to partner with Amy McCready, founder of Positive Parenting Solutions and TODAY Show contributor, to offer these free webinars. But I heard from a lot of you that you either weren’t able to make the time or the class filled up before you got a spot.
So I’m announcing extra early to make sure you have time to grab your spot! Just click the link below to grab your spot.
a FREE LIVE training webinar on Wednesday Nov. 16th 10am PST / 1pm EST
It’s an excellent opportunity to fit a little positive parenting training into your busy schedule.
You’ll learn easy to implement strategies to correct misbehavior and reclaim the calm voice you had before kids (remember that?!). You’ll also discover proven tools for your most frustrating discipline dilemmas including the 5 R’s of Fair & Effective Consequences.
All you need is your computer (no webcam required). You’ll see and hear Amy on your screen and you can even ask questions and she’ll make them part of the presentation. Parents RAVE about this session and here’s another fun bonus – I’ll be there too so you’ll get a chance to interact with the woman behind the curtain.
Webinar seating will be limited so RSVP today – then kick back and learn from the comfort of your home. I’m really looking forward to chatting and refreshing my skills with all of you.
About Amy McCready
*disclosure: Please note that I am both an affiliate for, and a user of, Amy’s Positive Parenting Solutions courses. I love them, which is why I’m sharing about them here with you.
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