We've been struggling a bit with typical 3 year old power struggles around here lately. I've been wracking my brain (and my parenting library) for possible solutions. And then it hit me. Close examination of the problem revealed that these blow ups aren't coming out of nowhere as they initially appeared. They are, in fact, almost always centered on one thing - transitions. My boy HATES transitions - most specifically leaving the house and going to bed. No matter how smoothly we seem … [Read more...]
Stuff I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You About
Hi friends, are you all enjoying a day off today? We got a good dump of snow this weekend - our first of the season and a lovely surprise. So we'll probably try to get in a little more sledding before the day is through. Before I head off though, there are a few things I've been meaning to tell you about. With it's wild popularity, you've probably already seen the amazing post, Don't Carpe Diem. But I had to post about it just in case - it's one of my favorite reads in a long, … [Read more...]
Parenting Thoughts for 2012
Along with making all those other resolutions, the new year always seems like a good time for a little parental reflection. From big things like learning to cherish the moment and building confidence to the smaller stuff like dealing with all those toys - this weekend is a good time to take stock of how we're doing and to get a little perspective. To help you out, here are 7 parenting related posts that have caught my eye recently. If you have a toddler, do yourself a favor and … [Read more...]
Christmas Card Look Book for Babies and Toddlers
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I'm still spending time with visiting family (as I'm sure many of you are as well) but I wanted to pop in and quickly re-post an idea I had last year. I get a little sad having to take down all the Christmas stuff and this is one way I've found to extend the magic a little longer... I'm always torn this time of year about exactly what to do with all the lovely Christmas cards we've accumulated. I feel bad throwing them out but I'm also … [Read more...]
Some Parenting Tricks & Halloween Treats
Happy Friday and congrats to Laura, the winner of the Elissa Hudson giveaway! If you didn't win but would still like a print of your own, Elissa is generously offering 15% off. Just visit her shop and enter the code TAKE15 when checking out. I'm so glad I decided to poll you guysthis week. Not only have your responses been overwhelmingly supportive, they've confirmed that we're all on the same page here and I can't wait to start weaving a little more substance into all the activities … [Read more...]
Counting Down with Kids Too Young for Calendars
This is an impromptu post inspired by C yesterday morning. As we were sitting at the table eating breakfast, he asked me, "How long 'till my birthday?". I told him the number of days but that didn't seem to satisfy him. Nor did my explanation that it's next month (he's entering into that wonderful phase where all he does is question, question, and question some more). Finally I decided to show him. Have you guys made this type of countdown chain with your kids? They're such a … [Read more...]
Starting a Birthday Custom
photos clockwise from upper left: Home & Harmony, Parents.com, giver's log, Swiss Miss, and The Handmade Home I've got a 3rd birthday rapidly sneaking up on me and, to be honest, I'm not feeling the party planning high I usually get around this time. Maybe it's because I feel like we just had S's first birthday bash. Although, in reality, that was two full months ago. (Seriously, where does the time go?) Or maybe it's because of an awesome article I recently read … [Read more...]
First Day of School Comforts
Yesterday on momtastic I shared 3 Steps to Starting Preschool Off Right, the last of which was to "leave them with a little comfort". These first day of school hearts from Helen at Curly Birdsare perfect for doing just that - and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Helen's daughters' teacher was so impressed by the idea that she asked Helen to make one for every student.If you just don't have the time or inclination to whip one of these up, this post all about separation anxiety also features … [Read more...]
Top 3 Ways to Ensure School Success at Home
photo via motherhood your way Happy Monday everyone! Before we kick off the week I wanted to let you know that I (finally) finished my post on the 12 things I want to teach my children every day for Bloom. You can check it out here. And speaking of teaching, it's officially back-to-school time. How did that happen? With C starting preschool this year it feels like summer went by extra quick! In the coming days I'll have lots of goodies to get you and the kids … [Read more...]