So, guess what... Ok, based on the photo above that my hubby snapped on his phone last night, I'm guessing you've already figured it out - I'm preggers! We'll be welcoming baby #3 to the family in late March with makes me 16 weeks along. I've never been pregnant while blogging before so, while I knew I'd definitely be sharing with you all, I wasn't sure how far along in the process to wait. Which leads me to ask - how long do you usually wait until telling people you're pregnant? It's been a … [Read more...]
MidWeek Musing: How to Instill (and Not Just Hope for) Compassion in Our Kids
I've been talking to you guys a lot about bully-prevention lately as part of a campaign we're working on with Of course, as a parent of two young children, keeping them safe and happy is a top priority. But there's another side to this story too. Along with ensuring that my kids feel secure in their world, it's also vitally important to me that they grow up to be compassionate and contributing members of society. And I don't just feel this way because I want them to be good … [Read more...]
How to Make Every Birthday Special
Today Melissa & Doug are sponsoring a little chat all about birthdays (and giving away one mega prize pack too!). I'm curious - how do you celebrate your littles' birthdays? Here in Seattle, birthday parties are big business. It probably has a lot to do with the weather - nine months out of the year the chances of rain on any given weekend are fairly high. That means folks who don't have a home suitable for hosting a big bash are often left scrambling for other indoor alternatives. The … [Read more...]
MidWeek Musing: Do You Use Natural Home Remedies?
When it comes to dealing with sick kids, parents fall all along the spectrum from purely homeopathic to over-the-counter all the way. QUESTION OF THE DAY Where do you stand on homeopathic cold or flu remedies? Any that your family swears by? A few months ago our contributor Natalie shared a slew of her favorite naturopathic cold remedies and I was intrigued. As with a lot of things, I'm somewhat of a moderate when it comes to treating sick kids. Mind you I'm not talking about serious … [Read more...]
Midweek Musings: What’s the Perfect Distance from Extended Family?
Last week I had a play date with a friend who also has two kids, except her youngest is only 6 months old and her oldest is nearly 3 - a period of life when a mama can always use some extra help (But that's kind of all the time isn't it? A period of time when a mama can especially use extra help?). She was having one of those pull-your-hair-out/go-cry-in-the-corner kind of days we've all had. And over coffee she was lamenting that none of her extended family lives in-state to help out on a … [Read more...]
Midweek Musings: How Do You Know When Your Family’s “Complete”?
When it comes to family planning, to date I have been a very private, if not down-right sneaky, individual - not really letting any friends or family in on the fact that we were trying until the trying was done. But recently something strange came over me. … [Read more...]
Midweek Musing: Do Moms Still Mend?
(images via refashion co-op and Freshly Picked) I mentioned yesterday we recently celebrated C's 4th birthday. The day after he opened his gifts, I took advantage of his grandparents still being in town and embarked on an impromptu organization session. When I started out I intended just to make room for the new toys but, before I knew it, I was on to our closets as well (this is what Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life is doing to me people). By the end of the day I'd sent my hubs off to … [Read more...]
Midweek Musings: Harnessing the Power of Touch
I recently came across, The Power of a Parent's Touch and the post resonated with me so much. Now that my oldest is nearly 4, I can feel he's on the cusp of a time when my touch won't always be wanted. Already, he occasionally shrugs me off if I snuggle too close and he no longer drops everything and comes running at the suggestion of a hug. I mostly take it in stride but this small shift has me focusing more and more on the connections that are made through touch. … [Read more...]