For her guest posts here at MPMK, Kylie will be grouping activities by topic – covering all varieties of animal, mineral, and vegetable. Today she’s starting us off with some food-centric fun. So, without further ado, take it away Kylie!
Five great Montessori inspired activities about FOOD!
Montessori activities usually involve a hands on experience for the child. It is important to choose the activity based on your child’s skill level and interests. All of these activities can be easily adapted to suit different age groups, different tastes and to foods which you may have on hand. Remember to demonstrate the activity to your child first and make it an enjoyable experience.
These activities are designed to provide a sensorial experience for the child and to stimulate their natural love of learning.
1. Preparing a Banana Snack
Put a little bit of each scent onto two cotton wipes, you could also use cotton balls. I have used orange, lemon and vanilla essential oils and just one drop on each wipe. There are many other scents you could use including rubbing herb or spice onto the cotton wipe. Insert each cotton wipe into it’s own bottle. I have used clean spice bottles. It is important that each bottle looks identical.
To start the child chooses one bottle, takes the lid off and smells it. Then the child smells the other bottles to find a match (a pair). They put the matching pair to the side and then choose another bottle and find it’s match. As each bottle looks the same this activity uses and refines the child’s sense of smell.
Kylie D’Alton has two sons and blogs at how we montessori about raising them the Montessori way.
The entire Make Like a Montessori Mama series.
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