2013 is the summer of the move here at MPMK. There are currently four members of our team (including myself) who have either already moved or are getting ready to move. With interest rates rising and the housing market once again booming in many cities, I have a feeling there are plenty of you moving this summer as well.
So today Natalie is here sharing how to eat healthy while moving. Even if you’re not moving, this stuff comes in handy when out on the road vacationing too, so take note!
Summer moving season is upon us! My family is moving in a few weeks so I am in the midst of my own preparations as I type. It is easy to get overwhelmed during the moving process and forsake your typical habits; especially when it comes to eating well. It’s all too easy to pick something up at the store or hit the drive-thru when you’re out running errands.
But guess what? When we’re busy and stressed out, our bodies are being pushed past their normal limits. That means we need top quality nourishment more than ever. Fast food is not going to cut it!
Spoiler alert: Plan, plan, and plan some more.
Before the Move
- Now is the time to be utilizing your freezer, refrigerator and pantry. If you’re moving long distance, you won’t be able to take your frozen or refrigerated items, so the freezer and fridge take first priority. Take an inventory of everything you have and start planning meals around those items. Then only buy the fresh items you need to complete those meals.
- If you can’t use up all of your food, find a friend or local shelter and donate any non-perishables.
- Make a plan for what you’ll eat during your travel day(s) and the first 24 hours in your new home.
- Research local grocery stores or other food sources in your new town before you get there.
While You’re Packing Up
- You will be very vulnerable during this time, so plan your meals ahead!
- Keep time in perspective. It will take around the same amount of time for you to get a pizza delivered as it will to run to your local store for some fresh produce.
- Keep lots of water readily available. You’ll need to stay hydrated- especially if you’re moving lots of heavy objects.
- Ask for help! If you’re overwhelmed, ask someone ahead of time to help you with meals or pick up essential groceries while you pack.
On Your Travel Day(s)
- Have all of your meals packed up in a cooler ahead of time. This is best to prepare the night before and store in your (hopefully) empty fridge until the morning. Don’t forget the water.
- Pack up your meals in separate containers for each person. This will be a lifesaver if you’re eating in the car. Instead of pulling out all of the food items and handing them out individually, you can hand each person a complete lunch. Try using a bento box, disposable meal container or the old-fashioned paper bag. And check out this post if you’re traveling with baby.
- When deciding what food to pack, think of foods that can be kept at room temperature and don’t require heating up. See below for a list of foods to get you started.
- Pack more snacks than you think you’ll need. It’s better to have some leftovers than to have to purchase something at a rest stop.
- If you want to stop for a sit-down meal, check your route ahead of time for healthy stops or use a restaurant finder app. Metropolitan areas usually have a wider variety of options.
- If you have a long drive, make your coffee/tea at home to avoid extra additives (and expenses).
- Keep your mind busy with music, conversation or an audiobook so you aren’t looking at billboards or craving fast food.
After the Move
- Have extra snacks or a meal packed to eat when you arrive. You may not be able to run out to the grocery store right away, so it’s best to have a few options just in case. Some examples for your first breakfast might be oatmeal packets or baked oatmeal, a loaf of bread with nut butter and jam, muffins and hard-boiled eggs.
- Keep it simple for your first shopping trip. Stock up on protein and produce for simple, nourishing meals.
- Keep fresh fruits and vegetables on hand for snacks as you unpack.
Foods that Travel Well
- Fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, stone fruits (as long as they are not already too ripe)
- Veggies: carrots, celery, bell pepper, snap peas (I like to put my veggies in glass jars with dip at the bottom to reduce mess)
- Nuts, nut butters, coconut flakes, dried fruit, trail mixes
- Wrap sandwiches
- Cold pasta or grain-based salads
- Green salads with dressing in separate container (If you put the salad in a jar, you can pour in the dressing and shake it up )
- Pre-made, cold PBJs (less mess)
- Jerky
- Snack bars (we like Larabars– you can make them at home, too)
- Yogurt
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Pureed food pouches for the kids
- Pre-cooked and chilled meats (chicken, turkey, salmon)
- Hummus
Finally, don’t forget that we’ve got not one but two wonderful giveaways going on for on-the-go moms and moms-to-be:
First, enter to win a yoga mat and a LIFETIME membershipto MamaSeeds, the new site that helps modern moms prepare for childbirth and meet the challenges of motherhood through great yoga and pilates videos, a virtual journal, and an online community
Second, enter to win over $70 of top of the line gear for on-the-go kids from OXO Tot.
*Post contains affiliate links.
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