Magnifying Glass Valentine at dandee.
I know everyone is doing the Valentine round up post but I just couldn’t resist. I was so excited to have Design Mom, Ucreate with kids,, and The Crafty Crow share my Valentine that I had to pay it forward. Plus, there are so many inspired ideas out there, especially of the candy-free variety which I’m loving as a mom of a toddler. (Side note: there are 3 from dandee alone – which is why it’s officially my new favorite site, check it out!)
We Make a Great Pair at Saltwater Kids.
You have a whole weekend to put these ideas into action. So click through and tell me which one you’re going to choose.
Bouncy Ball Valentines at Super Mom Moments (via babble).
Crayon hearts at Martha Stewart.
Valentine Luv Bugs at Art for all ages.
Color Theory Valentines at Mer Mag (via The Crafty Crow).
Naturally Sweet DIY Valentine at Twig & Thistle (via Design Mom).
Bookmark Valentines at dandee.
Chocolate Love Notes at The Mother Huddle.
Mix CD Valentine at dandee (via Design Mom).
Sew Crafty Valentine at papernstitch.
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