I am so excited to share this project with you today. Warning, get the tissues ready! For decades, Huggies has believed in the power of hugs to help babies thrive. They’re inspired by the amazing benefits hugs have on babies and want to spread that power to those who have given so much. They are also committed to ensuring that no baby goes unhugged, and this conviction drives everything they do. No Baby Unhugged is Huggies vision to ensure all babies get the hugs they need. … [Read more...]
Mom Hack: 17 Ways Kids Can Use Wipes to Help You Clean the House
This post is sponsored by Huggies. Both of my girls are long out of diapers. But I still buy Huggies Natural Care Wipes by the caseload. Did you know that Huggies worked in partnership with NICU nurses to develop the first baby wipe specifically designed for fragile premature baby skin to be used in NICUs? They're called Huggies Natural Care Extra Sensitive Wipes and they're only found in Neonatal Intensive Care Units, not sold in stores. However, many of the features found in the Extra … [Read more...]
Do You Know The “Right” Way to Hug Your Child?
One of the things I have loved, loved, LOVED about being momma to baby M are the pre-nap snuggles. My third baby is the only one who truly loves to snuggle with me. Even as infants, S and C would wiggle in my arms as I rocked and sang to them before nap. They weren't upset, they just wanted to look around - at the room, at the fan, even at me. They were never fully relaxed enough to snuggle up as I had envisioned they would. Eventually I came to terms with it, figuring that's just how … [Read more...]