Something I'm always on the lookout for are healthy new snack ideas that I can whip up in a snap. My kids (and I've heard they're not alone in this) are very cyclical when it comes to food. They'll absolutely love something - it's all carrots and hummus, all the time - and then, BAM!, they're over it. Couldn't entice them to eat another carrot stick or a dollop of hummus for anything. Which is why I often find that one day I'll be humming along, feeling good about the things I'm feeding them, … [Read more...]
{In the Kitchen} Three Dips to Get Kids to Eat More Vegetables
Having my kids home for the summer means constant grazing. Sure we eat regular meals, but when the kids are swimming and playing hard they need an extra snack or two. I like to cut up all my vegetables at the beginning of the week and then mix it up with a few dips. Let's face it, vegetables alone are a hard sell. I've perfected three dips that I know my kids will enjoy. And the more the dip, the more vegetables they eat! The first is similar to ranch dip, but a little … [Read more...]
23 Healthy Homemade Kid Snacks
I was looking through our archives recently and realized we have a whole bunch of really awesome recipes for homemade healthy kid snacks. And what do we do when we have a plethora of something wonderful? We make a super helpful roundup so that you can access them all in one place (of course). Today I present to you no less than 23 of our all-time favorite healthy snack ideas for kids. Enjoy! Fruit and Veggie Rainbow Gummies Oatmeal To-Go Bars 4 Healthy Smoothie Recipes Kid … [Read more...]
Healthy Homemade Crackers (Plus a Giveaway)
Sugar. Sometimes it's my arch nemesis, sometimes it's my best friend, most of the time it's somewhere in between. I've been on a personal journey for a few years to reduce the amount of sugar and processed foods that my family and I consume. I also recently attempted the 21 Day Sugar Detox (we made it to about day 18, nobody's perfect!). When Steph asked if I might review a recipe from Sarah Wilson's book, I Quit Sugar, I was glad to skim the pages and see what she had to say. Plus I … [Read more...]
A Rainbow of Healthy Homemade Gummy Snacks
Most of us busy parents are on the look out for new ways to squeeze extra nutrition into our growing kids. Around here, we love using our juicer and enjoying fresh fruit and veggie juice, but it's not really something you can grab-and-go (well you can.. but not without cleaning out a clogged-up juicer later on in the day). Fruit and veggie gummies are our latest solution for getting good nutrition in small, portable doses. Not only are the fruits and veggies filled with vitamins, minerals … [Read more...]
Kid Friendly Crunchy Kale Chips
I've never tried making kale chips at home, have you? Typically my go-to for getting some leafy greens in the kids is a smoothie - but that's getting a little old (and a little cold) for winter. I love how easy this recipe is and Kaley says her littles gobble up these healthy chips. Make sure you read to the end for her suggested flavor variations. Would you like your kids to eat a little healthier? Do you have issues getting them to eat enough dark leafy greens? Do you wish they would … [Read more...]
Valentine Activity for Baby: Decorating (and Eating) Healthy Pancakes
Looking for a fun Valentine's Day activity for baby? How about whipping up some healthy pancakes and letting your littles go wild decorating them with some equally nutritious toppers? We're once again teaming up with Ella's Kitchen to share with you some ideas on how to build good eaters through sensory play and today it's all about the love. The idea is a simple one - let baby learn about and build an interest in food through all of his or her senses, including touch! By encouraging your … [Read more...]