Even though school has already started for many of you, there are also still several weeks of warm weather left. Today I wanted to share with you some of our family's favorite toys this summer.Quick note: If you're wondering if these reviews are part of a paid sponsorship, they are not. I did, however, receive free review product so that I could test each of these finds and report back to you guys.Here's the deal, as a family blogger I get offered A LOT of products to review- especially toys … [Read more...]
Parenting Styles: My Biggest Mistake with Family Game Night
I was pretty excited when my eldest was old enough to play Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. I’d been waiting for years and years to reach board game age. Unfortunately, the two-and-a-half-year age gap between my kids meant that my youngest wasn’t ready—not by a long shot. Neither was he interested in leaving us alone to play a board game without his “help.” If you have a toddler, you know just how helpful they can be. I came up with “baby rules,” which meant that the baby got to do whatever he … [Read more...]
MPMK Toy Gift Guide Glimpse: Best Games for Toddlers & Pre-Readers
It’s time for another “MPMK Gift Guide Glimpse”… For those of you not exactly sure what I’m talking about, this is a day when we highlight one of our favorite sections of the: 2016 MPMK Gift Guides Why? Because I realize that our MEGA gift guides are a lot to take in- detailed descriptions and age recommendations of over 450 toys, books, games, and more divided into 15 themed guides takes some concentration to get through. I’ve heard from several moms in fact, both via email and in real … [Read more...]
MPMK’s Gift Guides: 300+ of the Most Stimulating & Engaging Toys Available
I've got some HUGE news today friends! Drum roll please... the 2015 Toy Gift Guides are here! How great would it be to get all of your Christmas shopping done ahead of time this year AND to feel confident your kids are going to love their gifts and keep returning to play with them again and again? In case you're unfamiliar with our infamous gift guide collection, this is not your average roundup of a few of our favorite things - Oh no. This is an incredibly extensive library of the most … [Read more...]
Gift Guide 2015: Top Picks for Family Game Night
Having a regular family game night is a great tradition to strengthen the family unit. Not only does it ensure time for connecting with each other, it also gets your kids in the habit of communicating with you - something that will pay-off big time when they're older. Plus, with the right game, it can be really fun! Just as valuable as popular family games, are games that kids will happily play alone or with a sibling so that you can get stuff done! Below you'll find a selection of games … [Read more...]