The gift guides are here, the gift guides are here!! How great would it be to feel confident your kids are not only going to love their Christmas gifts, they’ll keep returning to play with them again and again? These are the toys that are actually worth your hard-earned money. These are the Toy Awards that parents in-the-know have already viewed over 7,000,000 Times! Pin it to your favorite gift or toy board or bookmark it (and share it with your mom friends – they’ll thank you!). There … [Read more...]
MPMK Gift Guide: Go-To Gifts for Preschoolers
Image Credit: © | Fingerpainting - text added| CC by 2.0 These are awesome! I waited to make Christmas lists until they came out- and now I've shared with all my friends. The past two years I've used them and the gifts are ALWAYS a hit! -MPMK Reader, Ellen I am such a fan of your website and emails! Thanks for working so hard, especially at Christmas shopping time! Grandparents have scored major points after I forwarded them your lists. -MPMK Reader, Lauren Welcome to the famous … [Read more...]
Gift Guide 2014: Stocking Stuffers for Every Kind of Kid
Not to freak you out or anything, but we're under the 2 week mark until Christmas. Have you finished up your shopping yet? Most years stocking stuffers are one of the last things I get around to buying because I'm never quite sure what to get. I want items that are inexpensive but will still lead to engaged, quality play - not junk that will liter my house. This time around, though, I find myself with the opposite problem - I've found too many great options. While I struggle to narrow down … [Read more...]
Gift Guide 2013: Best in Blocks and Construction Toys
Building and construction toys, blocks in particular, are my absolute favorites for both my son AND my daughter. They are the ultimate open-ended creativity toy and I love that my children play with them for huge chunks of time, all while developing math, problem-solving, and spatial thinking skills. Just like our "Best Toys for Active Play Indoors and Out" Gift Guide, this guide is also a two-in-one. First up are our very favorite sets for open-ended building and construction-themed dramatic … [Read more...]
MPMK Gift Guide: Top Learning Toys for Building STEM Skills
Welcome to the famous MPMK Gift Guides and congrats on finding the most comprehensive and easy-to-use kids' gift guide on the internet! (If you're not familiar with our famous lists, learn all about them here)... With all the talk I've been doing on the blog about the importance of fostering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) skills, I felt I absolutely had to include a STEM themed gift guide. I just keep hearing over and over how important cultivating innovation is … [Read more...]