Do you guys celebrate New Year’s eve with your kiddos? In years past I’ve skipped it due to the whole, “there’s no way my kids are making it to anywhere near midnight and, if by some some miracle, they do – I’m scared to see what will happen the next day” thing.
But then I stumbled on the concept of “Happy Noonyear”. Which is just what it sounds like, basically celebrating at noon instead of midnight. Kinda genius, right?
Regardless if you decide “Happy Noonyear” or stay up for regular New Years, we’ve got an idea that will make you an absolute rockstar in your kids’ eyes. Here’s Kristen with the goods…
There’s something special about ringing in the New Year. The anticipation of the countdown and all the festivities always has me excited to do a special activity just for the kids.
Some years, I barely make it to midnight, so I’m happy to do an early celebration with all the little ones. This year, I’m making my own balloon drop. It’s so easy and it takes only 5 minutes to put together.
Here’s what you’ll need: 2 yards of lightweight fabric, a roll of colored masking tape, lots of colored balloons, a balloon pump and some confetti.
Cut your fabric into 2 pieces (45″ by 90″). I chose a netting so we could easily see the balloons and confetti, but any lightweight fabric will do. My measurements are approximate for my living space, but you can adjust accordingly.
Next, lay your 2 pieces out on a table (or the floor) and carefully apply tape to make a seam down the middle. It’s important to make sure this is secure because this is what will hold the balloons up.
When you get to the end, leave yourself a long tail and then double back to the fabric, so you have a non-sticky ‘tail’ that the kids can pull to release the seam and let all the balloons drop.
Next, you’ll use the tape to attach the four corners to the ceiling. Remember to leave it hanging loose so you can easily add the balloons.
With a step stool, start filling the net with balloons and confetti (if you don’t mind vacuuming it all up afterward)!
At your countdown (whether that’s midnight or 8pm) let an older child pull the string to release all the balloons and confetti.
The kids had so much fun just playing with the balloons and confetti after the big count-down. It’s a great activity to make the New Year special for everyone!
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