I realized lately I've been steadily filing away a lot of things I've wanted to share with you but - for one reason or another - haven't yet. No time like the present, right? 100 Ways to Be Kind to Your Child First up is this absolutely fabulous poster, which was created by one of my Camp Mom: Summer Activities Kit co-writers, Alissa of Creative With Kids. It arrived last week and now resides in a place of honor above the play kitchen in our play/family room (side note: this room looks … [Read more...]
Roundup: Not Your Mother’s Engravable Jewelry
Valentine's Day is just around the corner so I thought today would be a good time to roundup some of my favorite engravable "initials" jewelry and show you that there's more to Stella & Dot than just #5RingsToStopYelling. And if a link to this post, or any of the links within the post, happens to, somehow, get emailed to your husband, then it'll be a win-win-win. Your hubby will be guaranteed a victory with his V-day gift this year and you will get a gorgeous piece of bling … [Read more...]
My Plan for Losing the Baby Weight: Gym Quality Pilates & The Barre Method at Home
We hit a couple of huge postpartum milestones around here recently. Not only did baby M turn 3 months (adios 4th trimester!), I also graduated from physical therapy for my back issues. (You may remember I was T-boned not once, but twice!, during the third trimester of my pregnancy). That means we are doing a little happy dance for more sleep, a more engaged baby, and the go-ahead to start working out! It also means it's time to get serious about losing this baby weight... For some reason … [Read more...]
Tips & 4 Recipes to Finally Stop Feeling So Tired!
You may remember that I was in a car accident about a month before giving birth. That's left me with some residual back pain and orders not to exercise for a few weeks - which means that I'm relying solely on nutrition to help keep my energy levels up despite many feeding-filled, sleepless nights. So guess who I'm turning to for help. My go-to nutritionists at Prescribe Nutrition, of course. They've got tons of useful stuff to share with us today that I hope will help you too! Tired. Who’s … [Read more...]
Must-Reads: 8 Books for a Better 2014
Another January day, another post on how to make 2014 your best year ever. I've been thrilled to see you guys snatching up our eBook, Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: The Quick Start Guide, and the accompanying 38 page planner printable pack but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate some of the other great reads out there too. Today I've asked Janssen to stop by with her picks for the best books to help you achieve your 2014 goals - whatever those may be! As a life-long reader and … [Read more...]
5 Step Guide to Eating for Energy
Yesterday we recapped our very favorite MPMK ideas for living and parenting better in 2013, today I'm bringing back another favorite - my two favorite nutritionists, Megan and Katie, from Prescribe Nutrition - to give us all a crash course on how to quickly get in the habit of eating to look and feel better this spring. Here's Katie with her... 5-step plan to jump starting a better eating routine for spring... … [Read more...]
How to Eat and Feel Better This Fall
So... it's September. That means it's time to get in gear for fall. The lovely ladies from Prescribe Nutrition are with us once again today sharing their thoughts on how to do just that. They've got lots of great tips, plus 2 delicious recipes, to get us feeling our best this autumn. Read on for all the goods. It's hard not to love summer. We gather, appreciate a couple of sunny months and enjoy a little less structure. Often by the time it comes to an end, though, we are ready. Ready … [Read more...]
Mom Style: Look Cute While Showing Less
Before we dive-in today, just a quick reminder that our two FREE parenting webinars on How to Get Kids to Listen without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling are today, Wednesday June 5th! First in the morning at 10am PST/1pm EST, then at night at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST. Go here to reserve your spot. It's every woman's favorite time of year - swimsuit season. Do you guys struggle with this one as much as I do? Of course there's the usual body issues that a bathing suit can bring out in even the most … [Read more...]
Swimsuit Protocol: Get Ready for Summer STAT
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. As a late treat for all the moms out there, I've asked my girls Katie and Megan from Prescribe Nutrition to once again stop by. Today they'll be sharing their top secret "Swimsuit Protocol" - guaranteed to have us all feeling a little better this summer. And if you want to take it a step further, they're once again graciously offering MPMK readers 20% off their online clean eating class "New Rules: Nutrition for Real Life". Just use the code MPMK20 … [Read more...]